Want to increase weekly customers with Top Hat Trivia?

Are you the owner of an independent Bar, Pub, or Brewery? Are you looking to bring trivia nights to your local establishment?

Look no further, because we designed Top Hat Trivia with your business in mind!

Why Use A Trivia Night?

Live pub trivia games are a great way for local businesses to increase customer traffic.

Especially on a slow weeknight! Traditionally, you provide the space, and the game brings them in.

When you work with Top Hat Trivia, you get so much more.

Top Hat Trivia exists to increase your revenue. We do this by training our hosts to create consistent teams, by developing the technology to make gameplay easy, and by building a marketing service to target consistent players.

Average Number of Players: 49

Average Number of Players: 27

Working with Top Hat Trivia

We focus on delivering a comprehensive trivia experience for the players, for the host, and especially for you, the location. Our goal is to increase your revenue, so we have integrated each part of our business to do this.

Top Hat Trivia draws customers to your location by providing the live, trained host; the quality sound equipment; the unique trivia questions, answers, and soundtrack; our free website for players to play the game with.

With us, you also get access to player data to reach out and keep them coming back. You can see player stats, contact information, or even hire us to market to past players on your behalf.

Top Hat Trivia Pricing Packages

$249 /show
  • Trivia Game (22 Questions + Answers + Songs, Live Host with Speaker system, Digital Game Platform for players).
  • Restaurant dashboard, used for scheduling and reviewing game success.
  • We promote trivia nights at your location through our social channels.
  • Access to player data, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers.
$299 /show
  • Trivia Game (22 Questions + Answers + Songs, Live Host with Speaker system, Digital Game Platform for players).
  • Restaurant dashboard, used for scheduling and reviewing game success.
  • We promote trivia nights at your location through our social channels.
  • We will reach out to players on your behalf with weekly reminders of trivia nights at your location.

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